Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust
Gloucester, UK
Dental treatment as permitted by statute pertaining to a Dental Therapist. Communication with patients who may have more complex medical conditions or special needs patients who may have physical/learning disabilities. To ensure appropriate and enhanced methods of communication are used where suitable; such as easy read or Makaton. Display at all times clinical operative competence. Ensure efficient and effective treatment of patients who have booked appointments. Liaise and work closely with Senior Dental Officers, Dental Officers and Dental Nurses in order to provide an effective treatment service to those patients with identified treatment need. To treat phobic/nervous patients under the use of conscious sedation To provide at home (domiciliary visits) to patients that are housebound. Undertake fieldwork contributing to national epidemiology programmes BASCD. To attend trust events to promote oral health. The Post holder will demonstrate evidence of continuous Professional...